Fidigit (Schweiz) AG
As Abacus partner, Fidigit (Schweiz) AG supports you in all the phases of your IT project: from the needs’ analysis, to the implementation of Abacus, through the support during day-to-day operations or assistance in the event of an emergency. Our experienced team of more than 30 people can support you in your digitization journey: we help you scale up your business through efficient process streamline. Need to focus on your core business? You can rely on us.
Our services
Our Team
John Muschietti CEO Fidigit (Schweiz) AG
Mattia Minotti Director Fidigit SA
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Your point of reference for Abacus consulting
Fidigit (Schweiz) AG
Pfingstweidstrasse 60
8005 Zürich
Fidigit (Schweiz) AG
Speichergasse 19
3011 Bern
Fidigit (Schweiz) AG
Pilatusstrasse 41
6003 Luzern
Fidigit (Suisse) SA
Avenue Blanc 53
1202 Genève
Fidigit (Svizzera) SA
Via al chioso 8
6900 Lugano