We publish the following:
The article entitled Fondi Lega, Scillieri regista delle operazioni, appeared in the newspaper Sole24Ore on September 2020, speaks of a number of companies involved in an investigation concerning a well-known political party alleging and implying an involvement of Fidinam Group companies (Fidirevisa Italy Spa, Fidinam Luxembourg and Fidinam Switzerland).
The Fidinam Group fully disputes the allegations reported in the article, declaring its complete extraneousness to both the investigation in progress and any direct or indirect link with the subjects mentioned in the article.
Fidinam has already asked Il Sole 24 Ore to rectify the news, reserving the right to take legal action at a later date to restore both its name and the accuracy of the information.
The Fidinam Group and its founder, Dr. Tito Tettamanti, have been on certain occasions the subject of negative publicity and unjustified bad press, against which they have taken judicial action, and as cited below, successfully cleared their name of such untrue allegations:
1) against Greenpeace over the period 1999 to 2000 for having been falsely accused of participating in a criminal network, linked to the mafia, that was participating in the illegal trade of radioactive waste. With a verdict dated 22 May 2000, a Swiss Court declared and pronounced Mr Weber, who at the time was a Greenpeace activist, guilty of defamation: - for having staged a demonstration action outside the offices of a company in Lugano that was cited in the accusations made by Greenpeace; - for having published a report entitled "The Network", in which, among other parties, the Fidinam Group and Dr. Tettamanti were publicly accused of dishonorable conduct. Mr Weber was further charged for such acts and his other actions which may have tarnished the reputation of the Fidinam Group and Dr. Tettamanti. Mr Weber’s accusations were neither substantiated by any facts nor supported by the public interest. Furthermore, he could not bring any evidence to prove either the verity of his accusations or the fact that he had good reasons to believe in their substance in good faith; - Mr Weber was thus convicted.
2) against the journalist, Paolo Fusi, over the period 2003 to 2004, for having been falsely accused of being involved in a major corruption case in Spain, in the Italian case “Mani Pulite” and being involved in the transactions of “Tangentopoli” between Eni and Fininvest linking them to Silvio Berlusconi.
3) against the journalist, Paul Biondani, from Corriere Della Sera, over the period 2004 to 2005, for having been falsely accused of being indirectly connected to the Parmalat collapse.
4) against the writers Sandro Mattioli and Andrea Salvatore Giuseppe Palladino, over the periods from 2011 to 2015, for having referred in their book “Die Muell – Mafia. Das kriminelle Netzwerk in Europa” to the report named “The Network” of Greenpeace, already contested in another legal proceedings (please see above). With a verdict dated 23 December 2015, the Judge of the Pretura Penale of the Catone Ticino declared and pronounced Mr. Mattioli and Mr. Palladino guilty of defamation towards Dr. Tettamanti.
Whilst it is not in the Fidinam Group's policy, nor in Dr. Tettamanti’s, to always resort with legal action against a party each time they make or publish a defamatory statement/article, nevertheless, the attention of journalists and bloggers is hereby drawn to the above past instances, which outline the legal consequences that may result as a consequence of posting unfounded internet articles and publication of any articles based on untrue and unfounded information.
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