These categories mentioned above will be able to deduct an additional CHF 1,200 for each additional child and person in need.
It should be noted that we will be called to the polls on this deduction next June. If the outcome of the vote is positive, this option will come into force on 1 January 2024.
On 1 February 2023, the agreement with Italy on teleworking fell through.
This means that if the worker makes use of the possibility of teleworking, the condition of daily return lapses and consequently so does the 1974 taxation agreement between Switzerland and Italy whereby taxation takes place in both states, the place where the activity is carried out and the state of residence.
If an Italian resident teleworks for one day a week, as described above, and does not return daily, the status of a frontier worker for the purposes of the 1974 Agreement on Frontier Workers lapses and therefore the salary must be levied at 100% in Italy.
The company that employs the frontier worker must still subject the salary to 100% withholding tax.
By and no later than 31 March of the following year, the employee may request a refund of the withholding tax withheld by the employer in respect of the day on which he worked in Italy by teleworking through the online portal on the website ( by selecting the 'Request for correction of withholding tax' menu.
To obtain such a refund, proof must be provided that the income has been taxed in Italy.
In order not to incur tax problems, the employee must inform the employer about teleworking days.
As far as teleworking is concerned, there are other states that have ratified friendly agreements with Switzerland.
For example, with France, teleworking is permitted up to 40% of working time. So up to this maximum, daily return is not necessary and without risk of losing status as a frontier worker.
As can be seen from the above, taxation is constantly evolving an so, if someone is unfamiliar with the regulations, they may seek the support of our tax advisors, who are always up-to-date and have the expertise to avoid tax problems for both individuals and legal entities.
This article, published also in the April 2023 Newsletter by Fidinam & Partners, is edited by Rudy Summerer, Head of the Swiss Tax Consulting Competence Center.
Read all the other articles Fidinam & Partners' April 2023 Newsletter.
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