Self-employers: allowance for loss of income due to Coronavirus

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On March 20, the Federal Council announced economic measures to mitigate the consequences of the Coronavirus emergency. Among the innovations introduced, many concern the self-employed. 

In Ticino, around 10% of jobs are self-employed. This category has been heavily affected by measures taken to stem the contagion, such as the closure of non-essential restaurants and businesses.

Earnings compensation: the measures envisaged

Self-employed persons who suffer a loss of earnings as a result of official measures taken to combat the coronavirus may benefit from the measures issued by SECO, provided that they do not already receive other compensation or insurance benefits.

How much is the allowance?

The earnings compensation is paid at 80% of income and may not exceed CHF 196 per day - corresponding to CHF 88,200 per year - for a maximum of 30 daily allowances. For workers in quarantine, however, entitlement is 10 allowances. If the emergency lasts several months, an increase in the duration of the entitlement is not excluded. Compensation can be claimed as early as 17 March 2020, the day on which the ordinance comes into force.

Who is entitled to the allowance?

Self-employed persons who have suffered loss of earnings as a result of official measures to combat the coronavirus are entitled to this compensation. Specifically, workers who fall within the following categories are entitled to it:

  • Self-employed persons who have interrupted their gainful employment because they have been placed in quarantine;
  • Self-employed persons who have suffered a loss of earnings due to the closure of activities or the ban on demonstrations ordered by the Federal Council;
  • Self-employed artists whose engagements have been cancelled or who have had to cancel their own demonstrations;
  • Parents with children under the age of 12 who have to stop their gainful employment because custody of their children by third parties is no longer guaranteed.

If, despite the coronavirus emergency, the gainful activity can be exercised through teleworking, you are not entitled to compensation.

How to claim the allowance and from when?

The AHV compensation funds are responsible for verifying the existence of an entitlement to benefits and providing benefits. On the AHV/IV information centre's website, you can find additional information and apply for compensation by filling in their form.

Who to contact?

Fidinam SA offers comprehensive accounting and administrative support to its clients, supporting them in all phases of administrative tasks. Get in touch today.

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