Fidinam Genève Newsletter is out. In this issue:
This year 2022, we proudly celebrate our 50th Anniversary.
For over five decades, FIDINAM (GENEVE) SA has been serving with commitment, private and professional clients, in Switzerland and internationally, on various matters including business, accounting, and tax consulting.
As advised in our previous communications, ARAMIS TRUST SA, a fully owned subsidiary of FIDINAM (GENEVE) SA applied for a Trustee’s license, under the new FinSA and FinIA regulations, which are effective in Switzerland since the 1st of January 2020.
Today, we are happy to announce that the supervisory organization (OS) considered that ARAMIS TRUST SA complies with the regulatory requirements.
Nombreux sont les résidents suisses qui, désireux d’acquérir un bien immobilier en France, se sont vus conseiller de détenir cet actif par l’intermédiaire d’une société civile immobilière française (SCI). Le plus souvent, ces structures sont soumises à un régime fiscal particulier qui n’a pas d’équivalent en droit suisse. Si la SCI translucide offre un certain nombre d’avantages fiscaux, son traitement fiscal en Suisse peut toutefois être source de difficultés.
Since 1972, Fidinam Genève provides international tax advice to entrepreneurs, private and companies. Learn more about Fidinam Genève services or sign up here below to receive Fidinam Genève Newsletter directly to your e-mail box.
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