Fidinam Genève Newsletter - October 2020

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Newsletter Fidinam Genève News

Fidinam Genève Newsletter - October edition is out today.

Discover latest updates from our experts in Genève about tax and business matters. In this issue:

Imposition d’après la dépense dans un contexte franco-suisse

Le régime suisse d’imposition d’après la dépense, communément appelé « forfait fiscal », est un sujet qui suscite depuis toujours de nombreux débats aussi bien en Suisse qu’à l’étranger. Les relations franco-suisses ne font pas exception.

Elles ont particulièrement évolué au cours de ces dernières années, ce qui amène certains à s’interroger sur la situation fiscale actuelle des ressortissants français imposés d’après la dépense en Suisse.

Read more about fiscal forfait

Swiss independent portfolio managers and trustees: update on FINMA authorizations

According to the official statistics on the mandatory notification with FINMA, that was due for the 30th of June 2020, about 2’200 portfolio managers and trustees will apply for an authorization by end of 2022:

  • 34% French speaking area of Switzerland
  • 55% German speaking area of Switzerland
  • 11% Italian speaking area of Switzerland

Four supervisory organisations are now operational: So-Fit (Geneva) and FINcontrol (Zug) in addition to OSFIN (Neuchâtel) and OSIF (Geneva), and one more candidate is waiting for approval.

In addition, portfolio managers must be affiliated to an ombudsman recognised by the Federal Finance Department by 24 December 2020.

Read all

Seychelles: companies must now keep accounting records in the jurisdiction

The Seychelles government is to introduce further anti-money laundering reforms.

Discover which

Bahamas: additional beneficial ownership measures

The latest amendment of the Register of Beneficial Ownership Act will bring segregated accounts companies (SACs) and non-profit organisations limited by shares under the Act's explicit scope.

Discover all the measures

Cayman Islands: companies registers open to public inspection

Following recent changes to Cayman Islands law, the Register of Companies and Register of Limited Liability Companies (“LLCs”) are open to inspection for a fee (US$61) from 1 October 2020.

Read more about information publicly searchable in Cayman Island registry

Fidinam Genève

This Newsletter is a project cared by Fidinam (Genève) SA. Our experts in Genève are at your disposal for further assistance on these topics. Contact us today and request free advice.

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