Since 1960, Fidinam has been protecting your wealth through proper tax planning. Our solutions allow clients to structure and preserve wealth to pass it on to the next generation, tax optimized. Our full range of services includes the creation of Trusts, establishment of Private Foundations, immigration and relocation services.
By assessing your place of domicile and interests, we can suggest, create and manage multiple asset protection and estate planning structures such as trusts, family foundations, trusteeships or precautionary mandates. Thanks to a careful listening to the needs of the client, we offer targeted solutions to ensure stability and efficiency including: holding and family pacts, donations, insurance policies, trusts and various tasks in the field of succession (preparation of statements of inheritance, division of the estate).
Since 1960, the Fidinam Group has been offering asset protection services in multiple jurisdictions. Discover our services for the creation and administration of Trusts and all the tax and wealth advantages of this service.
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