Home Office: the post-Covid future. Tax, accounting, digital and insurance aspects.
Wednesday 10 March 2021
Hours: 08:30 - 10:00
Among the effects of the Covid-19 virus on daily life, there is certainly the massive adoption of Home Office. This situation has generated new scenarios, which companies in Ticino are called upon to address from a tax, business, insurance and digital perspective. But what will happen when we return to pre-Covid normality? What are the plausible scenarios and how will Swiss legislation regulate working from home?
During this webinar, Fidinam Group experts will address the tax aspects of home office management, related to both individuals and legal entities, with a particular focus on withholding taxes and the recently introduced changes in legislation that are reflected in employees' payroll. It will also cover the practical aspects of working from home in an easy way, thanks to Abacus technology, and in total security, thanks to the insurance perspective related to cyber security.
Register today to learn more about the future of teleworking in the post-Covid era: our experts will be available at the end of the webinar to answer questions on the issues discussed.
Limited places available. Please note event will be held in Italian.
For more information: eventi@fidinam.ch
To register for the webinar: click here
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